Brownie Points continues innovating in the creation of social employment

social employment

Brownie Points has been named Most Innovative Strategic Implementing Partner by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). The award was presented at a social employment networking event, which was facilitated by the IDC on behalf of the Social Employment Fund (SEF), in recognition of Brownie Points’ use of technology to digitise the implementation and reporting of social employment.

Brownie Points is a partner in the SEF, which forms part of the Presidential Employment Stimulus (PES) programme. The programme invests in the support of employment opportunities at a national level to help counter job losses due to Covid-19. The SEF is the fund that invests in social employment on behalf of the PES programme.

Brownie Points is one of the selected partners of the programme, employing over 1 400 South Africans in 10 NPO partner organisations across the country under the Good Economy initiative. Beneficiaries engage in meaningful work such as clearing invasive plant species, collecting plastic waste, and collecting and composting organic waste. 

“Social employment, also known as social work employment or social sector employment, refers to the practice of providing job opportunities within sectors that primarily focus on addressing societal needs, community development, and social welfare,” says Brownie Points co-founder Pascale Henke.

“Unlike conventional employment, where the sole purpose is profit generation, social employment emphasises the broader goal of contributing to the well-being of individuals and communities, often with an emphasis on disadvantaged or marginalised groups.”

The significance of social employment lies in its capacity to address pressing societal issues and foster sustainable development.

“By providing employment opportunities that align with social goals, it not only helps individuals earn a livelihood but also empowers them to make meaningful contributions towards the betterment of society,” says Henke.

Social employment also plays a crucial role in promoting social cohesion, inclusivity, and the overall well-being of communities, making it an integral aspect of a balanced and equitable economic landscape.

Brownie Points is calling on companies and individuals to support the Good Economy initiative. Head to the Good Economy campaign page on the Brownie Points website to see how you can make a difference.

“We are also inviting businesses to partner with Brownie Points in order to maximise their CSI initiatives, improve company culture, track good deeds and automate reporting to their partners,” says Henke.

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