Call for applications: FNB Growth Transformer Programme for scaling business growth

Call for applications: FNB Growth Transformer Programme for scaling business growth

Every stage of business growth poses unique challenges to entrepreneurs, but the transition from establishing a successful business to reaching its true potential is often particularly difficult to navigate.

No matter how talented the entrepreneur, achieving sustained growth requires new, complex skills. Entrepreneurs who are struggling to scale need to go through a metamorphosis in management culture to build a business that can take the next step.

Heather Lowe, FNB’s Head of SME Development, said, “Through its ecosystem of enterprise development programmes and initiatives, FNB has worked closely with some of South Africa’s fastest-growing businesses and most experienced business leaders.

“The value of embedding a growth culture and proactive behaviours has proven its value time and again in the businesses which FNB has helped to develop.”

FNB’s flagship scaling programme, the FNB Accelerator, has seen substantial success in working with high-growth-potential businesses to help them enter a new phase of growth and expansion.

Now FNB is leveraging the unique benefits of the FNB Accelerator experience through its innovative new Growth Transformer Programme, while access to best-in-class content is part of the programme, another critical ingredient for scaling successfully that is often overlooked is the shift needed in the leadership team’s mindset, focus, management behaviour and rhythms.

“This may be a blind spot and can be challenging to overcome without any form of guidance and encouragement. The Growth Transformer Programme is specifically designed to help leaders change their management culture and adopt healthier habits over time.

TheGrowth Transformer Programme is a twelve-month programme that unlocks learnings from the FNB Accelerator through an innovative, interactive online platform, helping businesses to scale by encouraging a management behaviour shift that will support organisational growth. Growth Transformer Programme is implemented in partnership with enterprise development experts Edge Growth.

The programme uses targeted gamification, digital learning, peer interaction, and individual and team coaching on an enabling technology platform to foster engagement, accountability and practical know-how needed for a leadership team to change its management behaviours.

Growth Transformer Programme begins with an interactive digital x-ray – a user-friendly online diagnostic tool that quickly and accurately provides deep insights into a business and practical, prioritised, customised recommendations for scaling effectively.

Each business crafts a growth plan with the help of a coach, who will work closely with the management team over the course of the 12-month programme, which also includes live boot camps, masterclasses and peer learning sessions.

The Growth Transformer Programme has the most potential to help established businesses with proven track records whose growth has plateaued. The programme requires at least 4 leaders per business to participate so that there is consistent buy in across the business’s leadership team.

Jason Goldberg, Co-Founder and Director at Edge Growth, said, “The Growth Transformer Programme is an innovative programme that will embed management habits proven to be effective in growing businesses with enduring scaling potential.

“For committed participants the benefits, including enhanced efficiency and profitability, greater leadership coherence and discipline, and a firm foundation for future growth, have the potential to play a significant role in the future success of the business.”

Are you looking to ingrain effective leadership habits? Do you want to align your leadership team for scaling growth?

25 SMEs will be selected to participate in the first round of the Growth Transformer Programme.

The ideal SME profile includes businesses that have:

  • Annual turnover between R5m and R50m
  • At least 51% black ownership
  • More than three managerial staff
  • At least 15–20 employees
  • At least five years’ trading history
  • Growth potential
  • “B2B” (supplier of goods and/or services to another business)

If you fulfil the minimum qualifying criteria above and would like to realise your business’ growth potential in a unique, fun, and engaging way, apply by visiting the Growth Transformer Programme website and click on the Apply Now button.  Applications are now open from 16 November 2022 to 25 January 2023.

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